My Stuff
"Gimme back my stuff"
If I click "gimme back my stuff" does it let me save the blog on a disc in the format it's in at the moment on the sight? Also, will it still be available on the sight if I do this or will it disappear?!
written by
on May 28, 2008
The "Gimme" page will build a zip file with all of your blog entries and photos attached. It will have HTML pages that are similar to Blogabond's look, but without any of the generic site navigation, etc.
Go ahead and try it out to see for yourself. It won't affect your blog here at all. In particular, it won't delete anything!
Good luck!
written by
Jason Kester
on May 28, 2008
Jason, I've tried to "get my stuff" a couple times now, and each time when I try to open the file, I get an error message that the file is "invalid or corrupt."
Do you know why this is? How can I *really* get my stuff?
written by
on July 30, 2008
Ah... I know exactly why this is. It's our fault.
We have a setting on our web server that's flipped the wrong way. We've fixed it twice now, but evidently it's just too tempting to flip that switch (or it flips itself), and it ends up back the wrong way.
There are two things you can do. One is to simply wait until I fix it and email you. The other is a bit more technical. If you open the file with a 3rd party tool like WinZip or WinRar, you'll find that it's actually zipped twice. That is, you'll unzip it to find a single file inside. Rename that file so it has a .zip at the end, and you'll be able to open it.
Sorry about that!
written by
Jason Kester
on August 4, 2008
Jason ...
Gimme doesn't seem to be working again. THis time I'm getting a runtime error each time I try to download. Same whether I'm on PC or MAC, firefox or IE.
I also tried to post this in the "talk" section (twice) but it never showed up. Not sure what's up with that.
Can you let me know what's going on?
written by
on September 11, 2009
Sorry about that. I broke it again early this month, and fixed it again a few days ago. If you try it again now, it should work.
written by
Jason Kester
on September 25, 2009
working like a charm now. thanks much.
written by
on September 28, 2009
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