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uploading pictures

When i choose a picture from a file and then press finish, nothing happens, it just goes back to the previous screen---no picture uploaded.

permalink written by  Fricke on December 1, 2006

Welcome aboard!

On the photo uploader page, when you select a photo from your computer, it should immediately appear in the transfer list down towards the bottom of the page. Depending on how fast your connection is, it may take a while to finish transfering, but in the meantime you can add more photos to the list as quickly as you can hit the "Browse..." button and select photos.

The Finished button is there to say "All done, take me back to my homepage.", so it looks like you may have hit it before your photo was done transfering to us. Try giving it another shot, and let me know if you still have trouble.


permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 6, 2006

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