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Day One

Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro

Today, my mom, lily and I flew from San Francisco to Frankfurt, Germany, then after a quick layover in Frankfurt we took another flight to Belgrade, Serbia. The time change from California to Europe made it seem like it was 2:00 am when it was really 1:00 pm. We were all exhausted. Rick came and met us at the airport with a driver to take us to our apartment. Our driver was going to pick up Elaine at the airport later because she was flying in two hours later. When my family and I arrived at our apartment, my mom lily and I all took naps. Elaine was dropped off at the apartment around 4:00 pm and my mom dad and sister were all awake to greet her. (I had slept longer than I was supposed to.) Around 6:00 all of us went out to dinner. In Europe most people don’t eat dinner until 9:00 so, the restaurant was pretty much empty. All of our meals were good and we were able to enjoy some music from the live band while we ate. By the time we were all finished with our meals, we were all getting tired so, we started to walk home. On the street there was an ice cream vendor that Lily was eying so my dad stopped and bought her an ice cream. Now I'm sitting on our couch writing this blog while my sister reads her book and we listen to the music that is playing outside our window. I would call our first day in Serbia a success.


permalink written by  RHarrison6 on June 26, 2011 from Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
from the travel blog: Serbian Croatian Roman Vacation
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