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thanks for the quick reply. turns out the number of points isn't a problem. occasionally, one of the placxenames on your map generates an error when i try to add it to my itinerary. if i skip over that location and go to the next one, it turns out to work just fine.

For example, the town of Bi'r Ali Ben Khalifah, Tunisia (at the intersection of roads P2 and P14), generates an error message. I assumed I had reached some kind of file size limit, which is why I sent you a message, but that proves not to be the case. I ran into a couple more of these as I mapped my route, but neglected to note them (sorry)

I've now mapped my route all the way down into Niger, and will finish up with Benin today: all in all, its working pretty well.

as long as i'm whinging, I also noted another issue that I can't quite get my head around. Takrunah, Tunisia accidently ended up on my itinerary twice, but I can't seem to erase it. Every time I erase and resave, it ends up "un-erased". For now I'm just leaving it on my itinery twice, and no harm done, but its another little brain-teaser to keep you off the streets and securely employed.

Cheers, Roel

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on December 11, 2006

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