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Wow. That's strange. The only thing I can think of is that your digital camera might be re-using the same filenames. But that could only make new photos overwrite old ones, not the other way around.

Or are you talking about the little photo list that shows up on the blog post page? Is it just not sorting your new photos to the top? That would be pretty quick to fix so I'll look into it & make sure it's working as expected.

But no, there's really no way to remove photos from that list of "My Photos" on the blog post page. Ideally, the old ones should just drop off the end and you wont have to see them.

And yeah, you can have as many photos as you want. Post more! I really loved Zanzibar, and your photos just stir up all those good memories!


permalink written by  Jason Kester on January 2, 2007

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