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Hey Britt

I've just watched all your blog, you did it very very well! No bad things about me i'm surprised ;p

So here we are in our last week together in this famous appartement 42... What I would like to say to you before i leave will be written here because i don't feel the courage to tell you that, my voice is going to squeeze and ... You know how i am to say good bye!
So... I just would like to thank you for sharing this part of our lives, without any doubts the best part of mine. You have always been here to bring me a smile to my face, never in a bad mood. (Often drunk! joking of course... or not..?!)
During all our stay you have not been only my flatmate but also my family, (i'll never forget the iron you offered me for my birthday :D) and you will stay in my heart as a member of my family, so you know that everytimes you want to visit me in France you will be more than welcome and your family too.
I don't want to think about the moment we will have to say good bye on Sunday morning, so we have to enjoy this last week, it is tuesday today, we have 5 days to enjoy and make this time as unforgettable.
I will miss you so much my friend
Christophe, Kiki

permalink written by  Christophe Lacroix on January 15, 2007

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