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Take time to visit Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) and Domkloster

Cologne, Germany

This majestic structure is one of the world's great cathedrals -- the spiritual and geographical heart of the city. It's the largest Gothic cathedral in Germany. From 1880, when its spires were completed, until 1884 it was the world's tallest structure, losing its title on the completion of the Washington Monument in Washington DC. Cologne Cathedral remains the tallest Gothic structure in the world, only the steeple of the Ulm Münster is higher.The Domforum - visitor centre for Cologne Cathedral and the municipal church - is located centrally opposite the main portal of Cologne Cathedral, in the immediate vicinity of the main railway station, the museums, and the pedestrian zone. As an information and meeting centre of the Catholic church in Cologne, the Domforum provides information material about the church, city, and society, and offers space for discussion and advice. The Domforum plans to be an oasis characterised by hospitality seven days a week.

Address: Domkloster 3 ,50667 Köln,

permalink written by  Lemonn on February 25, 2007 from Cologne, Germany
from the travel blog: Take time to visit Heidelberg Castle (Schloss Heidelberg)
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