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Cool. Thanks for the feedback! I agree that some of the edit pages dump you off into strange places when you're done. I'll definately retarget the Photo Uploader like you suggest.

On to your items:

1. In the entire history of this web site, exactly one person has ever found the Photo Delete button. And I think I may have told him where it was! Probably time to stick delete buttons in a more prominant place (on the tagger/manager sounds good.)

3. Yeah, some of those blogs are enormous. I've been meaning to add paging to them for a while now. It's an easy fix, so I guess it's time to quit being lazy and do it.

4. Hmm. Maybe you've never seen me try to draw stuff. Thus far, my single greatest graphical accomplishment has been drawing the rounded rectangle that the site content sits inside!

5. Really? Thought I'd fixed that. There. Does now.

7. Yeah. You click that link and it just takes you to a lame page without even a search box. Gotta do something about that...

8. It actually does autosave your blog entries as you type. Once a minute, it will phone home and background save your entry. So if they have to pop in a new AOL CD at the internet Cafe, you'll be covered. Check out the bottom of the Entry Text box, right above the "No Html" message. That's where the AutoSave message will pop in when it happens.

9. Yeah, that was one of the first items on the TODO list, and it's been there over a year. Somehow I never get around to putting it in. Sure would be handy though.

Anyway, thanks for the input. It's great to get feedback from real people using the site. And hey, it looks like we might overlap in Spain this summer. Let me know when you get near Barcelona. I might be able to offer you a house to crash at.


permalink written by  Jason Kester on March 9, 2007

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