My Stuff
The Return of 50 Watts!
Hey Jason.
I got your messages (Benjamins too) and have since starting to write my second blog been to
and holland to see folk from my first trip.
But i don't have my password to access the site anymore, so what can i do?
I don't notice a recover passowrd function but i do notcie some really funky changes man! I like!
Jealous to see folk i met still travelling though!
Ok well you can contact me as usual at my hotmail address as i have some blogabonding to do...
ps. sorry i haven't replied, been a very busy boy!
written by 50 on March 20, 2007
...a few hours later and i realise that what helped me encourage word of mouth was the factthat i knew i was involved in the growth of such a good site. This encouraged me to tell others....
...maybe something to think about, a way of interpretting this message to the average traller who might consider using the site....
...for example we can view the development notes in the community section- and i see people giving feedback on features- perhaps just making it clear that these bloggers are the begining! i know what i am trying to say and pretty sure you know it too, if not just ask.
written by 50 on March 20, 2007
...and a few hours after that i remmebered my password! phew.
written by
on March 20, 2007
50! Great to have you back. Glad you like the new stuff!
It's cool how that works. People suggest stuff... I'm stoked that people are actually using the site, so I build in their idea... people get stoked that their thing got built so they spout off about the site. That brings in new people with new ideas for what the site can do. It really builds on itself.
Now I'm trying to get more people talking to each other through the site. I saw how Murph and the girls met up with Vegtibbles in Oz because they had read each other's blogs, and that was just awesome! I gotta find a way to make that happen more often, more easily.
So now there's little contact links all over the place, and I want to put in some way of saying "I'm gonna be in
this winter", and having it hooked to your profile. So if somebody else is digging around for
info, he'll find 4 other people that are flying into
the same week.
Beers will get shared, lives will be improved. Global harmony will be achieved in our lifetime.
or something...
written by
Jason Kester
on March 21, 2007
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