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America-San Diego

San Diego, United States

First day in San Diego we hired some bikes and rode to the big park there called Balboa park, which is a massive anyway it has the zoo in the middle of it which is absolutely huge and a cool zoo i have heaps of photos of animals and stuff. we spent most of the day there it was so good. We had a bet on how long the gondola in the zoo would take to get from one side to the other and i won, lol. we then rode back to the bike place, San Diego is such a nice city so clean and ordered. The thing about America though is that there are so many homeless people and they all just sit on corners asking you for money it starts to get really annoying after a while. San Diego is a small place apart form the park and i may have over exaggerate its size before but it is huge.

The next day we went to a beach called Coronado which is actually on an island, we didn't go on the beach but we went there and walked around this island that had a naval base and lost of naval joggers we constantly had to get out of the way of. The we caught a ferry back to the mainland then went to Sea world which was a bit of a let down because in the off season they close things down to do maintenance and other things and the main things we wanted to do were closed down. We mainly went to go on the Atlantis ride and to go on the sky tower thing and both were closed most of the stuff we wanted to see was closed which was annoying, but i have some photos of killer whales and dolphins and stuff which is really cool. The only ride not closed was the grand rapids, which we did many times and got absolutely saturated the first time that we had to go and get ponchos to ride it again, lol, they were killer whale poncho's . It was still cool for the killer whale show and the dolphins though. It was a really really quiet day there so we got on to what we wanted to do straight away

The after that we caught a bus down to Mexico which was kind of creepy i was offered drugs and women within 30 second of crossing the border. It was fun to do it though but i really just wanted to get out of there because it was getting dark and we had no money. lol
And now we are in Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia to be exact. That was an absolutely huge email so i hope you enjoy it. There weather at the moment is about 0 and snowing i do believe and it is nice, i love the cold.

permalink written by  collie_dog on January 27, 2009 from San Diego, United States
from the travel blog: collie_dog's Travel Blog
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