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Leaving Australia

Brisbane, Australia

Jo dropped us as the Brisbane Domestic airport early. I had big plans to get rebecca some sleep by using the pram with a shade at the airports before boarding and during transit, only to find out that the domestic terminal doesn't have the facilities to board with a pram, no matter how small. So we checked in the pram and rebecca was unable to sleep. This was the beginning of a long day for her as she is not very good with being held let alone sleep while being held. Anyways, thanks to her being restrained in a baby belt, which hooks onto my belt, she did sleep Brisbane to Sydney, but by the time we boarded our International flight and due to delays in take off, she was in need of much more and was not a happy girl until the plane started moving and the noise started to soothe her into sleep. Dante had harrassed Qantas enough to make sure we received the bulkhead with bassinet and we were lucky enough again that we were the only ones sitting there. We thought this was great as it gave us a little room to let Rebecca crawl and play, but what we didn't realize was that we weren't allowed to let her do so, in case sudden turbulance sent her flying. So once the staff informed us, she had to be straped in. So lucky again as this would've been impossible without a spare chair to sit her in, but as it was she was happy enough in her chair, playing and watching tv. The flight itself was about 12 hours and Dante and myself may have gotten 1 hour sleep and Rebecca maybe 3 hrs. We arrived only to find out that the pram didn't, so another plan foiled and poor Rebecca had to hang on (literally, in the Hug a Bub) until we sorted out the missing luggage and made our way to the Hotel.

permalink written by  lostj9 on January 7, 2009 from Brisbane, Australia
from the travel blog: Around the World
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