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Thanks for the feedback. I agree that the maps could use a bit of attention. When you're looking at a user profile for instance, you see all these little comment and photo icons on the map, but clicking them doesn't do anything. Like you say, it's pretty obvious what should be happening, but it's not. Gotta fix that!

As to bulk-uploading photos, the reason I've held off on that for so long is mostly philosophical rather than technical. This post should give some background on my motives:


I actually have a little bulk uploader built and ready to go, but I'm hesitant to make it public for the reasons outlined in that post. Maybe a good solution would be to let users "earn" access to the tool by contributing a bunch of useful content and photos to the site. Once they've established that they're not going to upload 2000 pictures of their dog, I'd be more likely to trust them with bulk upload ability.

It's strange running a free service like this. Many of the issues you face in trying to make it work the way you want aren't technical, but rather social. Tweak the knobs too far in one direction and you get MySpace. Tweak them the other way and you get Flickr. Fortunately for me, I get lots of good feedback from users like yourself to help me make those adjustments. Sounds like I might need to nudge the "Photo" knob a bit to the left.

Thanks again for your input!


permalink written by  Jason Kester on April 2, 2007

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