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ahhhhhhhh yes eggplant or a form of 2nd degree burn or something. Since I am red/pink/white as snow I experience it all the time, hold on tight!

There is nothing sexier before bed then "Don't touch me, I love you, just don't touch me." replied from said partner..."Agreed do not touch me.....seriously...."

It will test your will, but I know that you are strong!

I love your commentary and suggest a T.V. or travel blog pitch when you get back, I have been so entertained, and have even laughed out from time to time. :)

ohhhhhh and there is a lamp post ........go turn on my TREE!

I am so happy you guys are having fun!

NOW goooooooooooooo 4th FLOOR!



permalink written by  Daina Hodgson on March 9, 2009

Heading South?

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