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Day 5 Sunday April 19th

Bangalore, India

Riz and I spent the morning/afternoon lounging at the Bangalore Park Hotel. For about $20 you can swim in the pool, order drinks from the bar, get a massage, use the sauna and steam room, and eat at the all you can eat lunch buffet. It was a special treat for Riz, he had never been before. It was a lovely day of rest and relaxation. Riz has been stressed wrapping up odds and ends at work and trying to find a new job, so he thoroughly enjoyed the day. After we got back from the Park, we packed up lots of his stuff because he is going to store it with his aunt and uncle in Puna. We had 7 pieces of luggage on our flight. It was a lot cheaper than shipping.

permalink written by  OneBoatAtMoor on May 6, 2009 from Bangalore, India
from the travel blog: Culture Shock! ~~INDIA~~
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