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Getting Ready...

Vancouver, Canada

So I leave for London in 2 days and haven't the slightest clue what I'm doing yet. I still need to buy some last minute things, figure out what to pack and practically a bazillion other things normal ppl get done like a month before their trip. My flight just snuck up on me! I'm not really excited...for me, excitement doesn't set in until after I arrive in a country. Basically the plan is I spend a week in London, just visiting sites, exploring and meeting people...then June 6th I'm booked for a Contiki tour that goes around most of western europe. It's a 2 week tour and I'm kinda scared about going solo but I also know it's so much easier meeting people that way! So I just bought a camera yesterday and spent most of today figuring out where I can upload photos and videos for free when I'm in Europe. (Without resizing and such) I never knew how large video files are so I don't think I'll be uploading videos unless I'm completely out of memory on these SD cards. I'll post up links to the photo sites as soon as I get them finished.

permalink written by  meeow on May 22, 2007 from Vancouver, Canada
from the travel blog: EUROPE 2007
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