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I've never even bothered with a Round The World ticket. It just seemed to limiting, having a date set when you have to move on to another continent.

My last three RTW trips have been done with One Way tickets to Cape Town, Bangkok, and Bangkok, respectively. In all but one of those trips, I ended up buying a couple more point-to-point tickets to hop over Bodies of water. But mostly, I just traveled by land to wherever seemed like a good next step.

After about 9 months, I'd get bored and fly back home for a while to work and save up some more money.

But yeah, I'd agree that Step One is to just buy the ticket. Worry about planning later. If you have the ticket in hand, it means you have to actually go! If you try to plan it all first, you'll find yourself still planning a year from now.

Good luck!

permalink written by  Jason Kester on May 24, 2007

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