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Thanks so much for:

Being willing to hear the call to adventure and step over the threshold from the realm of safety here in beautiful Portland (where it has been blue skies and 80, tho 90 today) into the unknown regions of Xiamen, where I know you are encountering both challenges (Mandarin! humidity!) and mentors (Rosaline!);

Representing JHS, the JSEA, and the US so well, as we knew you would;

Taking the time to keep us abreast of your adventures. It will be fun to take this long, strange (ie, "unusual, extraordinary, or curious"), and ultimately fascinating trip with you.

You are both following in the ancient footprints of Matteo Ricci SJ, and helping to bring Jesuit deeper into the global village. Godspeed on this heroic journey.


permalink written by  Paul Hogan on July 2, 2009

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