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A little bit more than two Weeks to go...

Chartres, France

Hello everyone...!

We are in France driving around everywhere seeing friends and Agnes Family, it's great to see everyone and I spend a lot of time sleeping in cars :). France is a beautiful country and I spend some time seeing the countryside when I am out running, next saturday in Sweden I am running against my brother, it's gonna be a struggle!

It is only 2 and a half week left until we leave for Brazil!!!!!!! and our adventure.

Here in France Agnes' sister, Delphine and Husband Manu have started another little adventure, her name is Clélie and now they are a little family!

5 days left until Sweden, elk and lingonberrys...mmmmmm...nice. can't wait to see everyone there!

Love, Ola


As you can imagine our excitement grows day after day and we can't wait to leave, first for Sweden and then for the big trip!!!
But i am extremely happy that I could see my lovely Clélie, my niece, before the travel.... she is the cutie on the pictures and she is a little angel... I already miss her!!!

lots of kisses to all of you guys...


Salut les gars!!!

Allez un petit texte en Francais juste comme ca... alors la on est encore en France, on decolle dans quelques jours pour la Suede et apres nous partons vraiment pour la grande aventure... le stress et l'excitement commencent a monter!!!
En attendant, on a bien profité de notre petite nièce Clélie qui est née il y a un peu plus de deux semaines et qui est un ange, une petite beauté...

Allez j'embrasse tout le monde... (et surtout Manu et Delphine!!)


permalink written by  agnesola on June 7, 2007 from Chartres, France
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
tagged France and ClLie

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j'espère qu'il va y avoir des traductions régulières !!! parce que heiiin !
bon on sent que vous êtes tout fous à l'idée de partir ! ça se comprend !
gros bisous à vous deux !

permalink written by  cha la cousine on June 11, 2007

I try to speak with my french english ;-) so that Ola understand.... I hope!
Very happy for you about this trip. Give us some news regularly so that I can follow up your adventures! and why not, try to reach you on your trip....
talk to you later
Les jus

permalink written by  july on June 14, 2007

mmmh, je ne sais pas si je poste au bon endroit, allez, je tente!
je trouve que Clélie ressemble à ta mère Agnes!! ça m'a fait marrer! tu trouves pas toi?
je ne sais pas où vous en etes, si ça y'est vous etes partis, ou si vous etes en Suède.
bon voyage en tt cas, et courage pr les heures d'avions!


permalink written by  Jeanne on June 23, 2007

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