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Baby and Baby's around the world travel...

a travel blog by agnesola

It's been a long time now that we are planning our trip... and as the months go by, the excitement grows!!

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A little bit more than a month to go!!!

London, United Kingdom

Hi everybody...

We are still in London, getting ready to leave for the big travel... So what's the plan...???
Well it would be cruel to leave for about 9 months without saying bye to everyone. SO: we say goodbye to all our London friends very soon as we are leaving the town in less than two weeks now. Then France, where we have to see all of my family (Agnes') and it is a big job I promise you!!!
And then Sweden, where we are going to say byebye to all our favorite Swedes and to Ola's family...).

And after that.... well we are going for 9 months of adventure, starting from 24 June and covering South America and Asia!!! We can't wait...

See you!!!

Agnes and Ola

permalink written by  agnesola on May 7, 2007 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
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A little bit more than two Weeks to go...

Chartres, France

Hello everyone...!

We are in France driving around everywhere seeing friends and Agnes Family, it's great to see everyone and I spend a lot of time sleeping in cars :). France is a beautiful country and I spend some time seeing the countryside when I am out running, next saturday in Sweden I am running against my brother, it's gonna be a struggle!

It is only 2 and a half week left until we leave for Brazil!!!!!!! and our adventure.

Here in France Agnes' sister, Delphine and Husband Manu have started another little adventure, her name is Clélie and now they are a little family!

5 days left until Sweden, elk and lingonberrys...mmmmmm...nice. can't wait to see everyone there!

Love, Ola


As you can imagine our excitement grows day after day and we can't wait to leave, first for Sweden and then for the big trip!!!
But i am extremely happy that I could see my lovely Clélie, my niece, before the travel.... she is the cutie on the pictures and she is a little angel... I already miss her!!!

lots of kisses to all of you guys...


Salut les gars!!!

Allez un petit texte en Francais juste comme ca... alors la on est encore en France, on decolle dans quelques jours pour la Suede et apres nous partons vraiment pour la grande aventure... le stress et l'excitement commencent a monter!!!
En attendant, on a bien profité de notre petite nièce Clélie qui est née il y a un peu plus de deux semaines et qui est un ange, une petite beauté...

Allez j'embrasse tout le monde... (et surtout Manu et Delphine!!)


permalink written by  agnesola on June 7, 2007 from Chartres, France
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
tagged France and ClLie

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rain, strange weather, sunshine and a big christ

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

So, we are in Brazil, finally. It is the start of our big trip and it started with rain, rain and a bit more rain. It stopped during lunch though and we went out for a little walk, it took just around 6 hours. we live in a part called botafogo and we started by walking towards another part called centro. On our way there we got sidetracked and walked towards santa teresa, it was quite a walk, very steep cobblestoned streets but is was very beatiful and bohemic with colorful houses and a very stunning view.

we continued towars centro from this part because there was not very much people and we wanted to see life and movement. We were looking for the right street to take us down from this high place and spotted a gang of monkeys running on the phonewires, our first wildlife experience in Brazil!

We thought the walk up was steep, but going down was harder on the feet, After struggling not to roll down the streets we arrived close to centro. We spotted the ugliest cathedral I have ever seen, we did not even take a photo from outside, but it had stunning glaswork on the inside.

after strolling around centro for a bit it was time to walk to the hostel, we picked the scenic sea route. By this time it was dark outside, we walked along the beach and there was quite a breeze. It felt like a big storm was coming or something because the sky was cloudy and dark, it was strange but it had a certain serenity to it, a calm somehow.

Well once home we took some cold showers(warm was not an option...) and went to eat, we had a very good but cheap buffet dinner where waiters came all the time with meat on a rotisseri skewer and carved at the table, it was great!

All that was yesterday, today we went to see Christ the Redeemer, we walked to catch a cog train up the mountain through the jungle! no animals along the way unfortunatly but flowers and big trees. We arrived on the top and it was very cloudy, we decided to wait for better weather and after a while we were rewarded with a great view of the statue and of Rio from all directions. it was strange to actually be standing amongst the clouds as they rolled by...

well, thats it for these 2 days, we are going to go and make some dinner and the maybe go down to the beach that is 2 minutes from our front door...life is hard...

lots of kisses to everyone, we miss you!?

Ola and Agnes

permalink written by  agnesola on June 26, 2007 from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
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last day in rio

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Our last day in Rio. We went to see some of the most famous beaches in the world... the copa, Copacabana and ipanema. both big beaches, ipanema a bit smaller. Palmtrees, the atlantic, sand and beachvolleyball... they are very nice but it is in a very big city and you can feel it, it is not really what I would consider a perfect beach, still cool though.

When we got to ipanema we realised that Rio really is a dangerous city, we walked right into a hostage situation, with a guy robbing some cafe along the beach and lots of police with machineguns and reporters around...

just kidding, we walked into a movieshoot...hope we did not scare you... it was quite interesting actually...

well our last day in rio was all about seeing the beaches, we also went to a big lake in the middle of the city. and the next stop is a little town called Saquarema.

love and kisses

Ola and Agnes

permalink written by  agnesola on June 29, 2007 from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
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Saquarema, small town of happiness

Saquarema, Brazil

Heelllooo everybody,

Here we arrive by the bus from Rio to Saquarema.... oups... it feels a bit strange to be in a town where you dont know anything... we were at first a bit scared as it was our first time travelling into the country...BUT the feeling is completely gone!!! After sometime looking for a place to stay, we found a very nice pousada (hotel in portugese)... and the owner is french!!! Must be the only one in the whole town and we found him!!! well, he is very nice and dropped the price of the room for us to stay... so we are now enjoying a double room, with TV, shower and swiming pool for less than 7 pounds per person per night!!! LIFE IS HARD!!! ;)))

So here we are, discovering this beautiful little city, with long beaches, a nice center and a lovely little church on top of the hill, looking out on the whole town, giving an impressive view on the city....

we finally enjoy the pleasure of the country side, that is what we were looking for and that is what we get...

we love it!!!

Agnes and Ola

permalink written by  agnesola on July 1, 2007 from Saquarema, Brazil
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
tagged Brazil and Saquarema

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Vitoria, Brazil


So now we are in Vitoria since yesterday.. and to be honest with you it was not the best time of our life!! We arrived in the morning and had to find a hotel, which was slightly harder than we thought.... but we did it!! and then we started to wander around town to see what that town was made about!! well, to be honest with you... on a sunday... it was DEAD!!! all the shops closed and nothing much to see, no tourist info... so we walked around anyway and saw the few nice buildings around like the Ancient Palace!! But the worst was to come... we went to the banks to take out money and realised that none of my cards were working!! OUPS!!! first trouble!! ;))) as it was sunday, there was nothing to do, so we went to sleep. This morning we jumped out of bed and went to the bank straight away... they could not do much so we had to buy an international card and we had to call Lloyds in UK!! They told us that my cards were blocked, so they unblocked it!!! pfffiiiuuuu that was a bit of an adventure!!
Now everything is fine and we are going to Porto Seguro tonight!! Apparently it is the town of parties!! ;)))

Now, just a little Hello to Axel and Ana from Saquarema: guys, thanks again a lot for everything, you are both lovely and we hope that we will keep in touch, the oranges and avocado were lovely, thank you!!

Lots of kisses to all of you who are following us...

Agnes and Ola (Baby and Baby!!!!)

permalink written by  agnesola on July 2, 2007 from Vitoria, Brazil
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
tagged Brazil and Vitoria

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Un petit peu en francais

Vitoria, Brazil

salut a tous,

Alors je voulais quand meme ecrire un peu en Francais pour ceux qui nous suivent mais qui ne sont pas super top en Anglais (coucou Papy!! coucou Mamie!!).

Tout va bien pour nous et on sa ballade bien pour le moment. Nous avons passe trois jours a Rio de Janeiro ou nous avons visite autant que possible (Cristo Redentor, Ipanema and Copacabana...). Nous sommes ensuite partis vers le nord dans une petite ville appelee Saquarema...tres mignon!! Nous avons rencontre un francais et une bresilienne (qui est nee au portugal) qui tiennent un hotel tres joli. Ils ont ete adorables et ont pris soin de nous durant notre sejour.
Nous sommes ensuite retournes sur Rio afin de prendre un bus pour Vitoria ou nous sommes aujourdhui. Vitoria ne nous a pas seduits vraiment et en plus nous avons eu des problemes pour utiliser nos cartes bleues... donc nous avons decide de partir ce soir pour Porto seguro... (ville reputee pour faire la fiesta!!)...

cest a peu pres tout pour le moment, nous commencons tout juste notre deuxieme semaine!!

gros bisous

agnes et ola

permalink written by  agnesola on July 2, 2007 from Vitoria, Brazil
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
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First portugese landfall in brazil

Porto Seguro, Brazil


So we are on our way to Salvador de Bahia. we just have a few stops to make along the way. Right now we are in Porto Seguro. The place where the portugese first put foot on

brazilian soil and started converting natives(well done by the way, they were only bloody savages anyway...)<----a joke by the way...

The town is nice, but alot of turists, which is good in a way because it is safe; but instead of thiefs here, we get jumped by people trying to get us into a restaurant or selling something else. I am not kidding they come in groups and svarme around you like bees.

Other than that there is a historical center here that is alright but not awesome, the view over the sea was nice though.

We got lost and had to ask for directions, but the guy just pointed and said nothing...

We have had a bit of sunshine and a bit of tropical rain(when it rains, it pours) so we have not been to the beach yet, but hopefully tomorrow...

until next time

Tchau and we love you all

Ola and Agnes

permalink written by  agnesola on July 4, 2007 from Porto Seguro, Brazil
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
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Finally, the beach...

Porto Seguro, Brazil

Our hopes for better weather was answered and we finally headed for the beach.
We chose one close to were we live in Porto Seguro and went. Alot of people and big bars can be fun but not really what we were looking for and the water full of seaweed because of some earlier rough weather... so we sunbathed a bit, I (ola) got restless and went to play in the waves, it's funny how a bit of water can make you feel like 6 years old. Agnes did not go in and I don't blame her because the water was a bit yucky...

The beach was full of sellers and I promise there was not 2 minutes going by without someone coming and wanting to sell stuff. not only do they insist but how can so many people really think that I want to buy a Henna tattoo(it is quite clear that I have enough)

Anyway, after about 2 hours we left and Agnes Had a bit of sunburns, but nothing severe, her feet looked like little lobsters though.

Here there is a plce called Passarela de Alcool(the alcohol passage...)
We went for a drink, you get massive caipirinhas or mango drinks for about 6 real which

is around 1.5 pounds...nice...

That was all yesterday, Today we went to a nearby town called Arrail d'ajuda and it was absolutely beatiful, and the weather today...Amazing! there was a church from 1550 something, nice but very plain. The town though, located high above the sea with colorful

buildings, very nice. Alot of turists still, but a nice town.

We Heard from an aussie were we are staying that around this town there is some of the nicest beaches in Brazil, so we decided to go to one called Pitinga Beach. There was a little hot walk of 2 kilometers before we arrived, but oooh my what a reward. So different from the beach we went to yesterday, not very much people, no annoying sellers and surrounded by beatiful red cliffs. And the water...nice and clean. of course we forgot our swimming gear...but hey, underwear works fine...

that's it, tonight we are going out to eat and then buy a drink and walk along the sea I think... Tomorrow morning we are heading more towards Salvador, but we are stopping in Ilheus. New town, new things...

Tchau Tchau we love you!

Ola And Agnes

permalink written by  agnesola on July 6, 2007 from Porto Seguro, Brazil
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
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Quick stop in Ilheus before heading to Salvador de Bahia

Ilheus, Brazil


We are now in Salvador de Bahia, old capital of the country.
Before arriving here we stayed for two nights to Ilheus, small town about 8 hours south of Salvador. To be honest it wasn't the best of Brazil as it was not a lot to see...and of course it was sunday (dead day in Brazil!!!)!! euh of course there is always a jesus!!!

and a big church!!
But well it doesn't matter, we enjoyed to rest!!

And we also found other ways to spend time: welll i will leave you to judge those!!!

ok, a few explanations: i found the electic plug and put my fingers into it!! and ola's hair grow like hell!!!!

ok that's it for the moment, we will go through Salvador very sioon (it is our first day here!)

lots of kisses

Agnes and Ola

permalink written by  agnesola on July 10, 2007 from Ilheus, Brazil
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
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