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User freindliness.

Hey Jason et al.,

Love the site, my wife is travelling through SE Asia (www.blogabond.com/groovespook) so I am keeping the whole crew with updates and the odd picture when she can spare the time to upload one or two.

I had a question for you. Is there any ability to use formatting? The ability to Bold or Italicise would be awesome.

thanks for a great site.

Porl Gordon (Groovespook

permalink written by  Porl Gordon on July 28, 2009

There is actually a way to do some minor text formatting, though we don't actually mention it. It went in as a sort of experiment, and I never pulled it out, but you can do bold and italic text as well as



The way you pull it off is through "wiki markup", though we only support a tiny subset of it. Here's a little cheat sheet:

' ' italic text ' ' goes between pairs of single qoutes (remove the spaces).
' ' ' bold text ' ' ' is surrounded by triple single quotes

= = headers = = start on a new line and are surrounded by 2, 3 or 4 equals signs on each side.

It's tough to describe it without being able to simply type it in. Try it out though and I bet you'll get the hang of it.

I certainly wouldn't want to class this under the title of "user friendliness" though! Maybe one of these days I'll put together a little editor that does this stuff for you.

permalink written by  Jason Kester on July 30, 2009

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