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First several days in Kunming

Kunming, China

Saturday August 29

Welcome to my blog! I have started this to try to keep in touch while I am in China. I apologize for the public communication, and would love to correspond through e-mail as well, so feel free to e-mail me at: s.segal.williams@gmail.com, or skype when possible, username: sarasegal-williams. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can!

We currently cannot access Youtube and Facebook, among other sites. The government often blocks sites temporarily when there is unrest, or just general events that could lead to unfavorable internet posts. We are not really sure what is going on at the moment that they would not want communication about, but speculate it may have to do with a fear that the flooding from the hurricanes will lead to criticism of how they are being handled. Or it could be because of the protests in Xinjiang. This is all just speculation, though.

I arrived in Kunming on Wednesday night, and checked into The Hump, a popular youth hostel which so far seems pretty centrally located (I'm still figuring out the city). I've been pretty jet-lagged, but I think I'm starting to get used to the time difference. Being in a dormitory-room doesn't help too much, since it means a lot of noise with people coming in and out at all hours. The other night I came back to a room that smelled very strongly of durian. For those of you who don't know, durian is large yellow fruit with a very cloying odor that tends to linger for a while. Two years ago, my roommate in Qingdao brought one back to our room and ate it and it smelled like durian for several days afterward. The problem with durian is that it smells very sweet, and yet also kind of like baby vomit, and tastes even stronger. Anyway, this is just an example to give you an idea of how the past several days have been going. It will make do for now, though, and hopefully I will find more permanent housing soon.

On Thursday, I signed up for classes at Yunnan University. They offer a non-degree program for international students, so I will be taking language classes in the mornings. I will look for something else to do in the afternoons. Classes start on Tuesday, so I have a couple more days to get acclimated to Chinese time, never mind China itself.

I am here with two friends and a third will be joining us soon, so we are all looking for an apartment. It has given us something to do after we finished signing up at the University, and makes us walk around all day. Talking with real estate agents has also been really good language practice. I'm glad there are three of us to try to figure it out together. Looking for an apartment has been a little different from the usual in the States. There are quite a few agencies around Yunnan University, so we have just been walking around and when we find one just walking in. When we walk in, the agents ask us to sit, then usually bring us a cup of warm water. Then they will talk with us, asking how many bedrooms we want and things like that, then they generally sift through some papers a while, discussing the matter with their colleagues. Then they usually make a few phone calls, ask us if the apartment seems alright, make some more phone calls, and then almost immediately over with us to see it. Most of the apartments have been pretty nice, with large living rooms and big windows.

Today, we will continue the search. I'll keep you posted.

permalink written by  agentsarainkunming on August 29, 2009 from Kunming, China
from the travel blog: CHINA
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Oh my goodness gracious (I am trying to keep my language 'clean') you are in China looking for an apartment. Gives me chills just to think about it. You will have to include a couple of pictures of your apartment (with your friends, of course) when you get settled so we can imagine where you are. Your written description of a smell, however, was quite adequate to convey its disgusting nature.
I look forward to future blogs!
XOXOXLIz in Boston

permalink written by  Elizabeth Warner on August 31, 2009

Hi Sara,

Looking forward as was Liz to seeing the sights via your blog. Will we get pictures?
You are missed around here especially as I think Anna will be here in 9 days so soon after your departure;ships passing in the night, you girls.
The weather is glorious here for September. How is it in Kunming? Love you lots///Kath

permalink written by  Kathleen Fairhurst-Lown on September 4, 2009

How wonderful to read about your life there! Gee ... Sara ... maybe I could do a little real estate there? Would you be my translator? Can't wait to hear more and see pictures! xoxoxo Love Marsha

permalink written by  Marsha Andrews on September 4, 2009

Wow, this is so cool, reading about your day to day learning and living! Thanks so much for including us! Love, Gail

permalink written by  Gail Multop on September 7, 2009

Dear Sara, Thanks for the tour of the hospital experience. Talk about language immersion; better than a class, I bet. I am glad you are back on your feet and I assume, feeling better. I am looking forward to a tour of the streets and the school and everything else. By mistake I clicked on someone teaching English there. She had a photo of a toddler with Split pants for toilet training. Have you seen that?
Keep up the writing; as you can see, we are all loving it.

permalink written by  Elizabeth Warner on September 20, 2009

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