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Day 5 - Sandakan

Sandakan, Malaysia

Gomatong Cave,War Memorial

From Intrepid:

Travelling by private minivan, you will stop to visit the intricate Gomantong Caves. Renowned for their edible swiftlet nets, which are harvested for bird's nest soup. Bird's nest collection is an ancient tradition, though nowadays licences are required for it. Travelling to Sandakan, a journey of 3 hours, you will stop in at the Sandakan War Memorial. Here you will learn about the city's past as you stand on the same ground of the former Japanese POW camp. This site also marks the starting point of the tragic Sandakan Death Marches, on which 2,400 POWs were forced to walk through the jungles of Borneo. By the end of the March, only 6 Australians survived, and only because they had escaped. Arrive in Sandakan, which was once the capital of British North Borneo and traditionally has strong trading ties with Hong Kong. The Cantonese influence is palpable in the lively harbour-side market, the many Chinese temples and the local cuisine.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 22, 2018 from Sandakan, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Borneo and South Korea (2018)
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shoshtrvls shoshtrvls
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