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week 4

Almeria, Spain

I'm not really in Almería anymore, but when I put it in the city, it shows where i went on my map. can you guys see the map of where i've been?

we left saturday morning to go to the beach for the night. it was very nice to get out of granada. we ended up with good weather which was lovely. i only have a few pictures from the weekend because my camera decided to temporarily break, it's fine now, but i'm really hoping i won't have to deal with that again while i'm here.
the picture is of my friend at dinner...i said something like people would think we havent eaten in three weeks the way we're eating this free buffet, and everyone kind of looked at eachother and said...that's because we haven't been eating for three weeks...

a week from today is our exam for this class. it's hard to believe i'm going to get 5 credits for it, we have done just about nothing, but i'll take it.

there aren't too many new updates. i was having trouble with my phone so all week i have been trying to get it clarified. i ended up having to argue with this woman for over 20 minutes about a mistake she made and wouldn't admit it, in spanish. that's the first time i've been in a situation like that by myself.

i'm trying my hardest to stay positive, but i'm still having a really hard time adjusting to all of this. i'm having a hard time staying focused which worries me with classes starting soon. we had a culture shock meeting tonight that didn't give as much info as i would have liked, but i talked to my resident director and she said that at this point culture shock shouldn't be as bad as it's affecting me...

this is what i've been doing to keep me sane.
i appreciate all of your notes and emails, they keep me goin

permalink written by  Taryn Hawkins on September 22, 2009 from Almeria, Spain
from the travel blog: Granada
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Oh Taryn! Your artwork is so beautiful! Keep drawing. I love seeing this. I also like that you've added some pictures to your posts. That's very nice. Did I tell you I love your blog? It is so interesting. I am starting from the bottom here today because I see there are several posts that I haven't read yet. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you. Try to make the most of it. Your adventures here you will tell for the rest of your life to your children or nieces and nephews etc. What you are experiencing is very valuable. I and so many people from MY GENERATION have not had the opportunity for these experiences. Take it all in and don't waste a moment! I'm so proud of you...you Adventurer! --Auntie Teresa

permalink written by  Teresa Haselmann on October 2, 2009

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