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I feel your pain. Central America is a real issue for us because it combines two problems into one.

First, Google's map imagery is essentially non-existant in Central America, so it's hard to really zoom in and pick the place you're looking for off the map.

Second, the Spanish weren't all that creative when they came up with place names for their new empire. This means that it's nearly impossible to look up a town called "Guadalajara" because there are 40 of them in our City list.

My advice would be to try to get as close as you can, and then bother me unrelentingly to put the towns you can't find onto the map in the correct place. I'm happy enough to do it, and it's really not that much work since there are only a few regions of the world where this is a problem.

Anyway, I know it's lame to blame our deficiencies on Google and the Spanish Empire, but hopefully this problem will go away in the near future (Google recently added road maps for Africa and Thailand. China and Central America are likely next on the list).

Hope you're having a great time in Costa Rica!


permalink written by  Jason Kester on July 17, 2007

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