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International convention Nairobi

Nairobi, Kenya


Let's see if i can remember the last four days.

Well first off, we had the international convention! It was such a blessing to attend it again. Met many new friends and i got to see the old ones i met last year when i was here.

Nairobi is an hr flight from where we live, thankfully the company Kyran works for has a taxi plane. Its really cute and soooo tiny! Its a 2 seater. one that most people learn how to fly in. Its pretty old too. It actually has hand break!!!!! yes, a hand break. We were flying at 80 to 100 mph. It felt like we were driving my Volvo in the sky :) Kyran said that if the plane stalled that it would just glide down and we could land anywhere since its so small! Thankfully that didnt happen.

We got to Nairobi and we first went to the doctor because Ky was still feeling sick from the fire..gave him a bunch of med's as you will notice in one of the pictures. We just hung around the city till we met the friends we stayed with for the weekend.

Of course the convention was great. What i found interesting were the illustrations they used, so appropriate for this country. For example one was:

" If you were walking from the market carrying a bag of potato's on your head , and a truck stopped and offerd you a ride, would you not accept it? Or would you continue struggling, carrying this heavy load all by yourself?"

I was like wow, carrying a bag of potatos on my head, we wouldnt use that in the states.

A brother gave his expressions on one of the symposium's "They will build houses and plant vinyards". He said that he owns land, and its not uncommon to have lions and elephants and buffalo intruding and sometimes eating up the crops. So in paradise he looks forward to having his own land free of disturbance!!!

One experience was that of a Tour guide, He told the friends "You guy's get more excited seeing a Kingdom Hall than you do a lion!" He was given an invitation to the convention but wasnt able to make it because of work.
Later on some friends met a woman and her 3 kids and invited her to attend, she had been looking for the convention. Turns out she was the wife of the Tour guide! Arrangements were made for that famiy to have a study.

Those were just a few of the things i enjoyed. The drive to and from the convention should only have taken 30min's but with this CRAZY Kenyan traffic it took 2 hours. One night oh my goodness we got lost and it was dark. We ended up in an industrial area which isnt a place you want to be in at night.

I actually took my rings off because if we were gonna get robbed they were not taking my rings!!!!

We had some friends from Dallas who were assigned to attened the convention, The Dominguez', We got to spend some time together on their free day. We did get lost again for a n hour. But it was fine, got to see different parts of kenya.

Well now im sick, had fever the last two nights. Hopefully it wont last.

I had more to say but now im feeling sleepy. I'll continue my story tomorrow. We are driving back up to Nairobi again in the afternoon, Im sure i will have a car problem to write about!! LOL

Till next time..

love drea

permalink written by  africandre on December 8, 2009 from Nairobi, Kenya
from the travel blog: Nairobi
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Andrea I love reading your blogs! So many adventures, I find myself laughing out loud..lol Im glad that assembly went great!. Hope that you and Kyran are doing well. Love and miss you, Arlyn

permalink written by  Arlyn Roy on December 8, 2009

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Next: No Where To Run

africandre africandre
6 Trips
137 Photos

Howdy yall!!

Although this is a travel blog this may be a permanent stay in Kenya!

I will update it when something exciting happens. Yes, i stole this idea from lil lisa's trip to Austrailia! Seems a lot easier to write it all down for you here than a million e mail's. :)


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