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Waiting for the ticket!

Sydney, Australia

So I would love to write how excited I am and how I'm getting all prepared to go and checking in with my visa and passport etc. BUT I'M NOT!

I am waiting for the ticket!

Interesting Story.....

My company recently had their Annual Charity Golf Day- in this day is an auction and Garuda were generous enough to donate a ticket to Jakarta, Indonesia. I bid on it, but once it got to $400 I was out. BUT I know the guy from garuda well so I said " If I ever need a ticket to Bali I will call you." This was on the 14th August. That very evening I get a call from my friend saying " I need someone to go to bali with me, wanna come?" Ummmmmmmmmmm FREAKY!

So I call my Garuda person to arrange the ticket, this is Monday 17th, AND THEN that Afternoon, I get an email from the man who bought the ticket stating he can no longer use it and would I like to buy it for $300 for Charity and he will donate the rest! AGAIN Hell yes!!

So all this good fortune and freakiness of coincidential events has lead to this..... me now discussing with Garuda to fly to Jakarta, or Bali, or Jakarta then bali, on the 17th or the 18th or come back on the 26th, wait I gotta be back on the 26th...... Argh!

So Monday is the day! COME ON BALI TICKET!

Let's get excited!

In the meantime I have managed to get in contact with the Vice President of the Balinesian Tourist Board through a friend in Indonesia.... Smooth sailing me hopes!

permalink written by  Lovelly on August 26, 2009 from Sydney, Australia
from the travel blog: Bali Bliss
tagged Flights, Bali, Ticket, Garuda, Friend and Excited

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Did I just buy tickets to Guatemala?

Pinckney, United States

I did! I bought the tickets to Guatemala! I cannot believe I am doing this. I am so lucky to be going! This is going to be a once in a life-time experience! Counting down the days till my trip!

permalink written by  gracegoestosantacruz on May 31, 2012 from Pinckney, United States
from the travel blog: Waves of Friendship helps Guatemala
tagged Flight, Guatemala, Tickets and Excited

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