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USA LA Santa monica

Santa Monica, United States

Yesterday viseted the Hollywood sign, and drove thrue BellAir...
Took a look at the Playboy mansion, however, no bunny's.... :(

Then I drove to Rodeo drive to do some serious shopping...
Then I drove to Santa Monica, drove over Ocean eve.....
Parked my car and started walking thrue the BLVD... Grabed a Huge Burger and a double esspreso.. Walked around some more...

Then I got to the Santa Monica Beach hotel.. (Read: Very Old over priced Junk!)
Met some nice guy's from Swiss, They did manage to get the Mustang convert. and marked it with an big swiss flag on the trunk...

One of the guy's said: we are going to Vegas baby!!! Wanna come?
I said... No sorry.. Been there, seen that, got the Tshirt..

I went for A couple of drinks with them.. had some fun...

And went to bed arround midnight..

This morning : 05:30 I got called by a lady from Rotterdam that wanted to ask me a view questions..... I told her to Fu*&CK OFF and let me sleep..

Today I'm going to drive up the coast and see where I will go...
It's all going so fast and I don't know what to see...

I'm going to buy some new maps for the up state.. finnished my breakfast now...

It seems to be a problem uploading pictures...
(Old computers in the internet cafe's..)

Thank's for the comment's
Speak to ya later...

permalink written by  Kristian Kossen on August 13, 2008 from Santa Monica, United States
from the travel blog: Trip around the world
tagged LA

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Los Angels

Los Angeles, United States

permalink written by  bocaburger on November 10, 2008 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Boca's Veggie world
tagged LA

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Weekend in LA

Los Angeles, United States

I got to LA 4 hours early and got to experience the transit there. It wasn't very involved, I just took a shuttle to a train station, and a train to a town near Sarah's house. The weather in LA was beautiful and reinstated my desire to live there one day, even just for a little while. I stayed at Sarah Smock's house with her momma Evelyn, who are both very great ladies. On Thursday we had some Mexican food with some teacher/old high school mates of Sarah's. Friday Sarah worked (she's a Spanish teacher at a prep school). I walked to the local library, I really, really enjoyed all the perfectly maintained California houses on my walk. I photographed some palm trees with mountains in the background, which was an extremely cliche tourist thing to do. Palm trees are ridiculously tall and put of proportion. I got some audio books out for my research for a school paper. I got the go ahead from my globalization sociology instructor to write about pre-war food production and the modern (disgraceful) way we mass produce food until it is something unrecognizable. Obviously this is something I feel very strongly about. Among some of my resources is the documentary/book called Food, Inc. This film is very accessible and I recommend everyone watches it. It does have those scary factory scenes that are unquestionably unsettling, but I like the way it reveals what we see at the grocery store and don't think enough about.
Food politics aside, I really loved all of the people I met in LA too! I can't remember all the last names, but on Friday night, Sarah and I went to Jaime's house and had a craft night, Allison, Kara and myself were all there. Sarah and I made some seriously peanut buttery cupcakes from a website called http://mingmakescupcakes.yolasite.com/ with a chocolate ganache topping, which remained shiny for days! On Saturday, Sarah, Allison and I went to free yoga in the park at long beach. It was pretty cool, minus the loud amateur football game going on 10 ft from us. There were live African drums, some fluty thing, and some weird circular giant wine glass rim thing. The instructor had ridiculous dreds, and her four year old daughter, who would jump all over her during her instruction also had little baby dreds. She also had an infant that she cradled every now and then while teaching, it was pretty cool. I have some pictures posted under the LA tag. Hanging in LA for the weekend was really fun, almost unexpectedly fun, and hanging out with Sarah was really great. I hope to hang out again in LA for a few days on my way back to Minnesota!

I left for Aussie on Sunday at midnight and I got three seats all to myself, which enabled me to sleep for at least 8 hours. The timing worked really well I think. I got in at 630 this morning in Brisbane and I feel just fine, I hope this means no jet lag...
Jana and I are hanging out at Chris Blair's (one of the friends') house here who Jana works for part time. It is very tropically raining here! Like, dumping. I'll check back in a few days or next week. We're going camping this weekend to Fraser Island, supposedly very cool, I'm excited!

permalink written by  Clara Douglas on May 3, 2010 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Australian Adventure
tagged LA

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Go West!

Los Angeles, United States

Well, the bag is checked and with boarding pass in hand, I guess it's too late to back out of this deal as I sit here at Gate 104 in the Tom Bradley Terminal, wondering what I got myself into. It's a strange feeling, excitement mixed with butterflies in my stomach...I have to remind myself to take deep breaths, but I have been full of nervous energy since last night, and had to laugh at myself as I was doing my final check list this afternoon, and suddenly realized I had already checked the stove 4 times. A month relaxing on the beaches of Hawaii suddenly sounds very Comforting, but tan fades after 10 weeks, while the memory of this trip will stay with me 10 years from now, so I soldier on. Besides, one of the main reasons I'm going on this trip is to get out of my Comfort zone and rediscover myself, so go west I must.

Just like anything else in life, this trip took several revisions since I began planning 4 weeks ago. In fact, the itinerary still isn't finalized. That's the lesson - it's impossible to plan everthing in advance for a trip that covers over 25,000 Miles. But thanks to the support of family and friends, I am as ready as I will be; it is entirely possible that I'd end up in Chile instead if I did the planning on my own.

Well, boarding is about to begin for my flight to Beijing via Taipei. So I'll sign off with this one final thought...


permalink written by  Chihyau on June 17, 2010 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Backpacking in China
tagged LA

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LA's Union Station

Los Angeles, United States

This trip began with a car ride to Cielito Lindo, on Olivera Street in LA for Taquitos--and they were a supper yummy dinner! Then it was across the street to Union Station where we waited for our departure. We arrived super early because of "carmagedon" (the 405 freeway was shut down for construction and everyone was predicting huge amounts of chaos for cars--turned out it was fine.) so we had plenty of time to enjoy our taquitos and the luxury of finding out we are first class on this trip. We were told to just take a seat and someone would come looking for us. Nice. Before too long an oversized golf cart came to us and Denise (?) drove us to the train--She was wonderful and even dropped us off right where we would be entering our train car, even though the train was not yet on the tracks. She is good! Once the train arrived, we met Riley, our fantastic Porter. He was with us for the whole trip, and we were all happy about that. Riley was so nice and he took great care of us--He even helped us trade sleeper cars so that our group was just across the hall from each other (instead of on different levels as we were assigned). Off to a great start!

permalink written by  shrugsnkisses on July 16, 2011 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Chicago by Train
tagged Train and LA

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Day 1 - Arrive in LA

California, United States

Arrive in LA at 6:30 AM Flight QF107
Transfer to Holiday Inn LAX ( Ph: 1800 669 562 fax 1310 670 3619 ) via shuttle every 15 mins ( Ph: 1800 007 697 ) bell hop for bags $1- $2 per bag.
Buy Disposable Phone and investigate GPS.
Afternoon Shopping:
Toys r Us 11136 Jefferson Boulevard Calver City Ph: 310 39 5775 (10m walk) 2pm
Toyworld 1233 South Western Ave los Angeles CA Ph: 323 734 8790 (30m by Car) 3:30pm
Mattel Inc 333 Continental Blvd El Segundo CA 90245 M-F 10-6 Ph: 310 252 3384 (9m drive) 5pm
Target 6pm
Factory Outlets 6:30pm
Drive to Santa Monica Pier 11-9pm (15m Drive) 7pm
Back to Holiday Inn 9pm

  • Ring Caverns to mention late arrival 850 482 1228 9pmish ref #2-14092270

  • **Book Cave Tour 850 573 03 90 for 9am sunday 7th or try above no.

  • Read more: http://blog.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/shmiko/1/1364158418/tpod.html#ixzz2JYpPgR00

    permalink written by  shmiko on March 25, 2013 from California, United States
    from the travel blog: USA Holiday 2013
    tagged LA

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