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Stuck at the beach

Cintsa Mouth, South Africa

J-Bay lived up to all expectations. Really cool looking waves that I have no business getting in the way of, and plenty of less deadly but equally perfect spots as well.

I finally got on my first bus today. Everybody has rental cars here, so I've been pretty lucky at finding people who were going in the right direction. Now I'm in Cintsa, at the backpacker's equivilant of a black hole. Everywhere you look, there's a nice hammock in the shade overlooking the beach or the pool, and a friendly barmaid to hand you another 75 cent beer. Laziness beckons at every turn. I don't see how I can possibly escape.

permalink written by  Jason Kester on March 21, 2003 from Cintsa Mouth, South Africa
from the travel blog: Africa, 2003
tagged Drinking and Laziness

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