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Paradise beach

Pondicherry, India

Plage Paradiso (Paradise Beach) is located at Chunnambar near the mouth of the backwater. This is located about 8 kilometers away form Pondicherry towards Cuddalore Main Road. It is a perfect place for leisurely holiday and beach sport. The visitors can sail to the backwaters to the sands and pitch up a cozy sea side tent. One can see playing dolphins if cruised into the sea. For more photos please visit: www.maneesh.co.in

permalink written by  maneesh on January 22, 2008 from Pondicherry, India
from the travel blog: Pondicherry
tagged Beach, Paradise and Pondicherryy

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Snorkel Junkies of Sibuan!

Semporna, Malaysia

First of all, many apologies for the numerous pictures of tranquil blue waters, desert islands and joyful children playing with toy wooden boats!

Cette fois-ci pas beaucoup de texte mais beaucoup de photos (sachez qu'il y a plein d'autres photos que celles visibles sur le blog dans la partie photo, dont voici le lien).


So where are we? Well, take a look at the map and you will see that we are in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. We arrived in Tawau and made our way towards the famous coastline where islands and sand-banks such as Sipadan, Mabul, Mataking and Kepalai can be found. However at over 70euro just to go snorkeling on Sipadan and 300euros [per person per night] to stay on Kepalai, we found ourselves on a cheaper alternative.

A day-trip to Sibuan, a tiny island [as you can see] inhabited by some gypsy travellers from the Philippines and a handful of soldiers. We spent a fantastic day doing nothing except; snorkel, swim, relax, hide in the shade, walk around the island and of course get to know the locals! The children were a sight to behold! It must also be said that so far we have been astounded by the calm friendliness of the people that we have met here. Well this is a short entry just to let you know what we are doing so, bye for now and back to our cheap insect-infested hostel [what a contrast!]...

Nous sommes sur l'ile de Borneo, dans la region de Sabah en Malaisie. De Tawau nous avons rejoins Semporna, endroit bien connu des plongeurs car cette ville permet d'atteindre un des spots les connus au monde, Simpadan (mais aussi Mabul, Kepalai, Mataking). Il faut un permis pour entrer sur ces iles, et il se paye assez cher! Malgre cela, il y a une liste d'attente pouvant aller jusqu'a 2 mois et demi pour plonger la-bas. Nous on voulait simplement faire une sortie de snorkelling qui convenait a notre budget. Nous nous sommes retrouves sur la petite ile de Sibuan habitee illegalement par quelques gitans des mers (qui sont toleres par les autorites...enfin jusqu'a ce qu'un luxueux resort soit construit sur cette ile, ce qui ne devrait pas tarder!), et aussi un poste de douaniers pour controler ces fameux permis.

Journee exceptionnelle a faire du snorkelling, marcher sur la plage et rencontrer les enfants de l'ile. On etait vraiment dans un paysage de carte postale. C'etait tellement bien qu'on n'a pas regrette les sites plus connus qui du coup sont aussi plus frequentes. Bon... ce qu'on ne dit pas c'est qu'apres on a du rentrer dans notre chambre ultra basique pleine de cafards geants et moustiques a Semporna une ville plutot sale. Dur le contraste!

Like we said, sorry!

permalink written by  Lenameets50 on February 6, 2010 from Semporna, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Indonesia & Malaysia et al 2010
tagged Malaysia, Paradise, Borneo, Snorkeling and Sabah

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I found heaven in Phuket

Phuket, Thailand

Romcation has found paradise. In the movie Groundhog Day a weatherman finds himself living the same day over and over again. I deeply wished for that to be the case while I was in Sri Panwa.

"If you only had one day to live, what would you do with it?"
I wouldn't mind repeating any one of the few days that I had in Phuket over and over again.

Surrounded by the Andaman Sea. There is a private beach and countless swimming pools. You will never have a shortage of places to cool off and if that wasn't enough each and every room and Villa has a private pool.

As sunset approached we would be sure you make your way to the Baba Nest. It is located at the highest point in Sri Panwa. A "Crows Nest" like outdoor wooden patio which acts like an Island ontop of the mountain providing 360 degree views of the Ocean. Lounge on the bean bags, grab a drink, and enjoy the pink, purple, yellow, orange sunsets that ensue above the Oceanic view.

We were staying in Villa X-23, ah-maze-ing!!! The sunset here looked liked it belonged in a Katy Perry music Because I couldn't lay in the cotton candy clouds eating candy, I decided to sip an espresso martini. It was the most perfect way to end one of the most romantic days of my life. If only it really was "Ground Hog day"

Pictures and more on our blog :)

permalink written by  romcomcation on December 30, 2014 from Phuket, Thailand
from the travel blog: Romcomcation
tagged Thailand, Paradise, Phuket and SriPanwa

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