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Agroturystyczny Dom Gosi

Losie, Poland

permalink written by  Beskidniski on December 14, 2006 from Losie, Poland
from the travel blog: Beskid Niski
tagged Travel, Klimkowka, Poland, Beskidniski and Nature

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Beskid Niski

Losie, Poland

Agroturystyczny dom w miejscowosci
Losie w beskidzie niskim.
Zapraszamy serdecznie .
Oferujemy 3 pokoje dwu-trzy osobowe.
Pokoje znajduja sie na pietrze budynku.
Tam tez znajduje sie oddzielny aneks kuchenny oraz pokoj dzienny z telewizorem.
100 m od domu Bar z bardzo dobrym
domowym jedzeniem oraz lowisko pstragow . Zaledwie 2 km od domu jest
zalew Klimkowka- idealne miejsce do kapieli oraz uprawiania sportow wodnych. Przez Losie przeplywa gorska
rzeka Ropa - gdzie mozna lowic ryby.
Dom znajduje sie u podnoza gory w widlach dwoch strumieni.

Wymazone miejsce do odpoczynku czy pracy tworczej.
Serdecznie zapraszamy na
wycieczki rowerowe lub piesze po licznych szlakach gorskich. Granica ze Slowacja 20 km.
W okolicy liczne zabytkowe cerkwie.
tel.0183534822 nasza strona :

permalink written by  klimkowka on January 11, 2007 from Losie, Poland
from the travel blog: Beskid Niski
tagged Travel, Klimkowka, Poland, Beskidniski and NatureLosiePolska

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zalew Klimkowka

Losie, Poland


permalink written by  klimkowka on January 6, 2007 from Losie, Poland
from the travel blog: Agroturystyczny Dom Gosi
tagged Travel, Klimkowka, Poland, Beskidniski and NatureLosiePolska

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Losie w beskidzie niskim

Losie, Poland

Agroturystyczny dom w miejscowosci
Losie w beskidzie niskim.
Zapraszamy serdecznie .
Oferujemy 3 pokoje dwu-trzy osobowe.
Pokoje znajduja sie na pietrze budynku.
Tam tez znajduje sie oddzielny aneks kuchenny oraz pokoj dzienny z telewizorem.
100 m od domu Bar z bardzo dobrym
domowym jedzeniem oraz lowisko pstragow . Zaledwie 2 km od domu jest
zalew Klimkowka- idealne miejsce do kapieli oraz uprawiania sportow wodnych. Przez Losie przeplywa gorska
rzeka Ropa - gdzie mozna lowic ryby.
Dom znajduje sie u podnoza gory w widlach dwoch strumieni.

Wymazone miejsce do odpoczynku czy pracy tworczej.
Serdecznie zapraszamy na
wycieczki rowerowe lub piesze po licznych szlakach gorskich. Granica ze Slowacja 20 km.
W okolicy liczne zabytkowe cerkwie.
tel.0183534822 nasza strona :

permalink written by  klimkowka on January 11, 2007 from Losie, Poland
from the travel blog: Beskid Niski
tagged Travel, Klimkowka, Poland, Beskidniski and NatureLosiePolska

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Choromanski family roots

Jankowo, Poland

I was fortunate to find a distant cousin who did an incredible job of tracing and documenting the Choromanski family tree back to the late 1700's. I went to Poland to find the next branch, but just came home with pictures. The history of Poland was not conducive to finding documents from long ago. Even so It was great to imagine the life of those people hundreds of years past. I would be happy to find others who might be looking for the Choromanski family of Jankowo Skarbowo, Poland.

permalink written by  BeanD on May 12, 2007 from Jankowo, Poland
from the travel blog: Polish roots
tagged Poland, Choromanski and Jankowo

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Poland - Agroturystyka

Gorlice, Poland

zapraszamy w beskid niski do agroturystyki

permalink written by  Beskidniski on June 4, 2007 from Gorlice, Poland
from the travel blog: Beskid Niski
tagged Hotel, Travel, Klimkowka, Poland, Beskidniski, Nature and Agroturystyka

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Noclegi w Losiu

Losie, Poland

permalink written by  klimkowka on September 25, 2007 from Losie, Poland
from the travel blog: Beskid Niski
tagged Travel, Klimkowka, Poland, Beskidnski, Gorlice and Lemko

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Seyed Hossein Fazeli in Poland

Warsaw, Poland

Seyed Hossein Fazeli in Poland
(May-June, 2010)

Some place of my heart is called Poland, and you can find highest type of love for Polish people there.

In the beginning, Let express all of my excuse to the Polish people and I want to tell them I am sorry if I am not successful in express myself about them since my mother-tongue is not English and I must write about them in English. And if I write in my mother-tongue (Arabic), they will have difficulty in understanding what I feel about them. Moreover unfortunately I do not know Polish language.
Really I do not know how to begin, how to express, and how to have enjoyable ending. But I am sure if you did not have experience to be in Poland, you cannot understand me and you do not know how I feel; and even you think that I talk about some kind of paradise. You are right I talk about the real Paradise. But this Paradise is on the earth and it is called Paradise because of its people who are fond, lovely, friendly, and…….
When start your trip in Poland, as same as I, the first Polish word that you will acquire in Poland is “PROSZE” which means “YOU ARE WELCOME” .Do you know why? Because if you ask for any help in Poland, you will see that how the Polish people help you and spend their time for you to solve your problem. In such case you want express yourself to say thank you (in English), and instead of one time, automatically you will say “thank you” many times to every of them who help you. And you will hear the word “PROSZE” .As experience of listening, automatically you will ACQUIRE “PROSZE”.In the second step, because of human interesting in express your thanks in Polish language and beauty of word “DZIEKUJE” which means “THANK YOU”, you will learn it. These words have high frequency for every passenger who do not know the way, miss the way, etc.
I have experience in living on abroad for many years and the common thing that I have common sense with the other foreigners is the very big problem of HOMESICK. One of main reasons of home sick is feeling alone. But in Poland, You will not have this problem and you will enjoy all of your moments. Do you know why? Because of their welcome, high hospitality. friendly situations of the people. Definitely you will find all people as same as Dr. Adam to express their welcome, Or Dana teaches you indirectly how to match your smiles and saying “YOU ARE WELCOME”, Or Daga shows you the way, even takes many hours, Or Grezegorz spends his time during the dinner time that you as a guest to have great time, Or Irek tells and shows you nice things of his native-place, Or Dr. Andrzej teaches you even the style of the clothes, Or Dr. Beta teaches that think how to enjoy your life, Or Mikulski helps you to find the address you look for. Moreover you can find the some kind of symbol of beauty, when you visit Arkadiusz, Or symbol of hard-working for guests when you see Kate. Poland is not these people, but these people are some of GREAT LOVELY NATION which is called GREAT POLAND. The nation who can be as your close, ,friendly lovely and fond family and you feel that you belong to them and they belong to you because when you refer to your heart there is place in your heart which is for them to miss them and some place in your mind to think about them.
I think the words of English or other languages are less than to express my feeling about this GREAT NATION. In this way, I ask the Polish people to excuse me about this problem. But I wish they can visit my heart to understand what I feel about them. Geographically I am so far away from them right now, but it is not important. Because I remember them all the moments and some of my heart is for them.
I strongly recommend everybody that if you want to see and feel the highest type of hospitality and kindness of the human; try to have at least one time of experience to visit THE PARADISE OF THE EARTH, POLAND.
My lovely cities, Warsaw, Szczyrk, Katowice, Bielsko-Biala, I do not forget all of my lovely moments which were spent there.

The Great Nation of Poland, I love your entire nation, I miss all of you, I miss all the moments which were spent in Poland, and I wish to visit you again, again and again.
I wish all the best for this great nation.
I will be happy to hear from Polish people or the people who have experience in living in Poland. Send email to me.
Seyed Hossein Fazeli,
Research Scholar in Linguistics, Dept. of studies in Linguistics, KIKS, University of Mysore, Mysore-570006, India.

permalink written by  fazeli on May 27, 2010 from Warsaw, Poland
from the travel blog: Seyed Hossein Fazeli in Poland
tagged Poland and SeyedHosseinFazeli

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Poland and More Prague

Wodzislaw Slaski, Poland

On Thursday, we headed out to Wodzislaw Slaski, Poland to see John, Agata, and her family. We drove around the one way streets of Prague for about 45 minutes getting lost and looking for coffee to-go, not necessarily in that order. Once we got out of the city and drove though a McDonald's McCafe, we were on our way to Poland! The landscapes were beautiful throughout the whole drive. The VW Polo had a little of a rough time in the hills though, and I learned the hard way that you don't have to prepay for gas in Czech!

We arrived in Agata's town that afternoon - about a 4.5 hour drive from Prague. Her family was so great! We rode bikes and saw her town square, church and school. It was so cool to see where she grew up!
Her dad brews his own beer and makes his own wine and vodka, so we had a lot of his homemade libations that night and great food! They also had a super delicious cake for Kris' birthday! Her family grows a lot of fruit and vegetables in the yard, and we had fresh free-roaming happy Chicken eggs for breakfast in the morning - best eggs we have ever tasted in our lives, no joke!!

We left on Friday to go back to Prague - all four of us in the Polo. Definitely a tight fit, and a little more stress on the poor little VDub's engine, but we made it just fine. We stayed at the Ibis Hotel in Old Town this time which a GREAT location and was much closer to all the attractions.
We ate typical Czech food at a really great Brewery called Pivovarsky Dum and then walked back over Charles Bridge and through Old Town Square. Later we checked out a bar called Fragola.

Saturday, Agata and John had to leave back to Poland, so I walked with them to the train station and they took the 4 hour train back :( Sad to see them leave, but I'll see them back in the U.S in another week!

Kris and I walked around to some of the city we hadn't seen yet, including Wenceslas Square, and we ate dinner at a great cheap Thai noodle bar called Modry Zub, or the "Blue Tooth". I walked to see Prague Castle lit up later in the night. Prague certainly is a whole new city at night, with all of the bars lining the cobblestone streets opening up and different types of tourists out!

permalink written by  blondie on August 26, 2010 from Wodzislaw Slaski, Poland
from the travel blog: Central Europe
tagged Poland and Prague

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Wylom Stone mine turned into Diving Lake

Zakrzowek, Poland

22nd July 2015 - stone mine turned into lake - Wylom, Krakow

permalink written by  Pet_Travel_Europe on July 22, 2015 from Zakrzowek, Poland
from the travel blog: Pet Travel Europe - Road Trip 2015
tagged Poland

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