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An attempt at a roadtrip

Seattle, United States

I flew to Seattle to drive my 1985 Volts wagon Golf to Atlanta. Somehow, I thought I would be able to drive this archaic (yet wonderful) car from Seattle to Atlanta...in the dead of winter. My ambitions were high, outlandish some might say. I had my travel compainion, Kelsey, with me and we were willing to make the trip.

From the beginning of planning, I had this deep down, mostly ignored, feeling that my car would break down beyond repair on this trip. I threw caution to the wind and did it any way. I figured if it broke down in New Mexico or Texas, I would at least get a good adventure and bus ride out of it.

I could not believe it. We left Seattle late on a Saturday and headed South. First stop was to be somewhere to sleep along northern California and then on to Melodies in LA. My car was reluctant, to say the least, at attempting the passes of Oregon, however, I knew these would be the only big passes we would be going over, as we were taking the southern route the rest of the way.

At 11pm, my car seized to shift gears and made horrible noises, after a brief stop in a dangerous point on the freeway we made it to a gas station in which AAA came to the rescue. We were in Phoenix, Oregon. They took us back to Medford, Oregon. Rowdy times at Gypsy Blues bar, A 'to Hell with Hitler' button was acquired as well as a few lawn flamingos kidnapped. Kelsey and I fell in love with Medford

On Monday morning my car was pronounced dead. Both the Clutch and Transmission had gone out. The decision was made and my car was buried in Medford. Malia, Keith and Adam came to the rescue and drove down Monday to pick us up. We had one last night in Medford and then headed back north. Stopped in Portland for some dinner and a bewildering venture to Powell Books.

Got back to Seattle, had a day and a half and then Kelsey flew to Georgia with me. Adventure had, sadly at the expense of one awesome car.

permalink written by  crAsh13 on January 15, 2008 from Seattle, United States
from the travel blog: adventures in the US
tagged RoadTrip, Oregon, Portland and Flamingos

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1st Post

Portland, United States

Hi all, this is my first post in my travel blog for my friends and family and it has been a great day to stay inside!

Today I worked on ordering the beer for my Bon Voyage Party on May 11th, I am getting a cornelius keg from Upright Brewing of their #5 beer which is an IPA.

The weather outside sucks...wind is howling and it looks pretty wet. I will be moving from rainy 50+ degrees Farenheit to rainy 10+ degrees Celcius so not much change except Summer is coming here and winter is deepening in Melbourne, AU...damn.

In mid July I should be in Cairns, AU near The Great Barrier Reef and in the Tropic of Capricorn which will be much warmer and drier.

That' s all for now....more when I have my party.

permalink written by  Mike_Veine on May 3, 2012 from Portland, United States
from the travel blog: Mike's Magical Mystery Tour
tagged Portland, RainyDays and 1stPost

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