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Nanyuki, Kenya

Well friday was my first meeting in swahlli. It was nice to meet the friends. Most of them speak English.

Kyran was really worried that i would get bored because i dont know much of the language, but i told him that after being in the Lao group for a while that this was alot easier to pay attention to! Actually, i know and understand more than he thought. I felt like a child pointing out all the words i knew :)

We had to miss the sunday mtg because of the fire. But cant wait for service again tomorrow. The group here only meets on Sunday's, Tuesday's & Thursday's. Still trying to figure out why. I know on saturday's is market day so everyone is out shopping. I told them that sat is the day most of us go out because everyone is home!!

We Invited a husband and wife to go out with us last saturday anyway :)
the territory was so different than what im use to. We did an hour of service before we even got to te terrritory, which by the way, we walk to not drive.

We have to cross a river, thankfully it was low. You can see it on the pictures i put up. Sometimes they said, its too high to cross.

We found a few people home. I was able to find people who speak English, but the sister i was working with had to fill in a few words for me. Everyone we talked to invited us in, no one was in a rush. I Started a bible study with this one young girl, and made plans to rv on another lady. Kyran and the bro he was working with found alot of interest aswell.

We are hoping to help start saturday service up again. Even if its just street witnessing. We plan on meeting with the group during the week and making our bible study appointments on the days that no one goes out.

Anyways, just having breakfast now, waiting for Ky Ky to come back from his early flight. Poor baby, Was feeling sick after breathing in all that smoke :(

Till next time!! Kwaheri!!

Love Dre

permalink written by  africandre on November 29, 2009 from Nanyuki, Kenya
from the travel blog: Nanyuki Kenya
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