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Dinner. Bao Dao tourist restaurant in Taichung 寶島旅遊餐廳

Bao Dao restaurant in Taichung 寶島旅遊餐廳, Taiwan

2007-07-17 18:14. Entering restaurant. Bao Dao restaurant in Taichung 寶島旅遊餐廳

2007-07-17 18:54. BL


台中市 西屯區 中清路 198號
Situn District, Taichung City


Not recognized on map but timing seems close enough to be the right location.

permalink written by  monex on July 17, 2007 from Bao Dao restaurant in Taichung 寶島旅遊餐廳, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged Restaurant and Taichung

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Lunch. same as yesterday Bao Dao tourist restaurant.

Bao Dao restaurant in Taichung 寶島旅遊餐廳, Taiwan

2007-07-18 11:36. BA same restaurant Bao Dao tourist restaurant 寶島旅遊餐廳

2007-07-18 12:38. Bus on the move somewhere already, unsure when we left but we're already watching another movie on our mini-screens.

permalink written by  monex on July 18, 2007 from Bao Dao restaurant in Taichung 寶島旅遊餐廳, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged Restaurant and Taichung

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