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National Museum of Natural Science 國立自然科學博物館

National Museum of Natural Science 國立自然科學博物館, Taiwan

2007-07-18 09:02. BA

2007-07-18 09:31. Two-storey high reconstruction of an 11th century Water-powered Armillary (Sphere) and Celestial (Globe) Tower 水運 儀象臺

2007-07-18 10:40. Thermal Imaging camera in a human biology exhibit.

2007-07-18 11:15. BL

National Museum of Natural Science

Taichung City




permalink written by  monex on July 18, 2007 from National Museum of Natural Science 國立自然科學博物館, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged Museum, NaturalScience, CelestialGlobe and Thermal

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