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Jelikož tohle čtete, tak pravděpodobně víte, kdo jsme. Pája, Danča a Mary, kamarádky z různých koutů České republiky a spolužačky z Budějovic. A jelikož máme kromě školy společnou i touhu po poznávání nových míst a lidí, vymysleli jsme si tenhle výlet. Na mapce, kterou jsem vlastnoručně stvořila...

permalink written by  mary30745 on May 28, 2009 from Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
from the travel blog: Florida Summer 2009



permalink written by  saitarn on April 8, 2008 from Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
from the travel blog: Europe

Ceske Budejovice - try saying that after a few beers

We initially stopped here for two reasons - we needed some time out from hostels, and we also knew the Budvar brewery was here.....sadly the brewery was shut for tours on the weekend (Tom nearly cried), but our hotel was wonderful:) Most things are shut on the weekends in the Czech Republic,...

permalink written by  no_fosters_thanks on January 26, 2008 from Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
from the travel blog: Aye, a new adventure

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