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Day 2 -- Tallinn

Hopped on the Ferry for the short trip to Tallinn, where we mostly wandered around the Old Town. Some interesting sights; very medieval as expected. Surprisingly, despite how touristy it was, there were some nice artists shops and galleries, although with a few good street musicians.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 21, 2017 from Tallinn, Estonia
from the travel blog: Northern European Captials (2017)



permalink written by  grahampotter05 on May 25, 2009 from Tallinn, Estonia
from the travel blog: if i dont come home, youll know i had a good time

My first couch surf

Arriving in Tallinn on the very cheap bus from Saint Petersburg I jumped in a cab and directed my driver to the address in my notebook. I arrived at a strange looking, empty wooden house. Somewhat worried by the fact I'd been directed to a seemingly empty house I hung around for 15 minutes in...

permalink written by  Dan on November 21, 2008 from Tallinn, Estonia
from the travel blog: Been there, Dan that!

... They Kick You?!?!

So, it's really only a 2 1/2 - 3 hour flight from Berlin to Tallinn... the amazingness of planes. Although, as Henry J. Tillman said, "The saying 'Getting there is half the fun' became obsolete with the advent of commercial airlines." For the moment, I'll bypass this statement, and choose to...

permalink written by  lost_red_balloon on September 22, 2008 from Tallinn, Estonia
from the travel blog: The European Union

Un habit déchiré ne va nordvision

Un habit déchiré ne va nordvision pas avec des boutons d'or nordvision. L'herbe que le serpent hait nordvision,Naît justement sous son nez nordvision. L'ignorant est l'ennemi de lui nordvision même,Comment serait-il l'ami nordvision d'un autre. Quand l'imam s'oublie nordvision,L'assemblée...

permalink written by  nordvision on September 10, 2008 from Tallinn, Estonia
from the travel blog: nordvision

Besace bien promenée nordvision

Besace bien promenée nordvision nourrit son maître. Besogne qui nordvision plaît est à demi faite nordvision. Parle peu, fais ta besogne nordvision;Sage est qui ainsi besogne nordvision. Besoin fait maint sentier tenir nordvision. Le besoin fait vieille trotter nordvision.

permalink written by  nordvision on July 8, 2008 from Tallinn, Estonia
from the travel blog: nordvision

Bien perdu, bien connu. Aile nordvision

Bien perdu, bien connu. Aile nordvision de perdrix, cuisse de bécasse nordvision. Tel père, tel fils. A nordvision père avare, fils prodigue. Est nordvision bien père qui nourrit.

permalink written by  nordvision on July 2, 2008 from Tallinn, Estonia
from the travel blog: nordvision

Selon le drap, la robe nordvision.

Selon le drap, la robe nordvision. Bon droit ne se trouve nordvision pas mal d'aide. Bon droit nordvision ne se passe point d'aide nordvision. Il faut faire vie qui nordvision dure. A dur âne, dur nordvision aiguillon.

permalink written by  nordvision on June 2, 2008 from Tallinn, Estonia
from the travel blog: nordvision

Si nous n'avions pas tant nordvision

Si nous n'avions pas tant nordvision de défauts, nous ne prendrions nordvision pas tant de plaisir à nordvision en remarquer chez les autres nordvision. J'ai goûté bien des substances nordvision amères, et nulle ne l'est nordvision plus que de demander. C'est nordvision quand on n'a plus...

permalink written by  nordvision on May 20, 2008 from Tallinn, Estonia
from the travel blog: nordvision


Bienvenue sur le blog de frederic noel Plus d'info sur frederic noel Rien ici sur frederic noel encore

permalink written by  fredericnoel on November 29, 2007 from Tallinn, Estonia
from the travel blog: fredericnoel

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