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Should we start a new trip?

Hey Jason,

We have never had a problem ourselves but a couple of people have told us that our blog is taking a while to load up. Do you think it might be worth us starting a new "trip" for the next part of our journey?

Murph, Tay, Colly and Erin. x

permalink written by  Murph, Tay, Colly and Erin on August 2, 2006

Yeah, once you've got a dozen big entries up, it starts to take ages to load. I've been going back and forth over whether to have Blogs break themselves up into pages when they start to get long. It would help the pages to load faster, but could confuse your Grandmother when she comes in to read about your trip.

For my longer trips, I've just broken off a new Blog whenever I changed continents. Everything seems to go a bit smoother that way.

Anyway, enjoy Oz! When in doubt, go with the Koala. They'll Hook you up!

permalink written by  Jason Kester on August 6, 2006

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