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If you find something broken or doing funky things, tell us about it here.
If you come up with a great idea for a new feature, post it here and we'll probably
end up implementing it.

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Viewing 1 - 50 of 209 Entries
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* photos not uploading. (4)
* My blog (1)
* New cities (2)
* Blog export (1)
* Talking about his website. (1)
* City Locator for pots (1)
* South Korea - places missing? (1)
* Limit to no. of pictures uploaded? (1)
* how to add HTML? (2)
* Blog site frozen (1)
* Page Not Found ?!?!? (1)
* help!!! my blog is jacked up. (1)
* Problem with a blogentry (7)
* Blog entries aren't working (2)
* Facebook (1)
* Map not displaying (3)
* Where's Isreal (1)
* Wordpress integration (1)
* RSS Not Working (4)
* Great site but... (2)
* Blocking People (1)
* Formatting broken - has it changed? (especially in Chrome) (6)
* Surely drafts shouldn't be tweeted? (2)
* Massive Indian Affiliate Spammer (1)
* recall draft blog (4)
* Sorry - another problem: post disappeared when going live (3)
* User freindliness. (1)
* can I delete my blogs and profile? (1)
* Where to get help? (1)
* Help - older photos being "overwritten" by new ones! (10)
* Unable to add blogs at all (2)
* city name not found (4)
* Help With Adding Stops on My Trip (3)
* Travel blog friends (1)
* can't edit my maps (3)
* Request: Update many photo cities at once (10)
* Filter photos by city? (1)
* Facebook (2)
* Adding photos to a location not registered (2)
* Towns mentioned in blogs (9)
* Can the map update its position as i go along? (1)
* Can I embed a copy of my map into my website? (1)
* Notifications by e-mail about new blog entries (1)
* Can I Delete my account? (4)
* Map not updating on Blogger? (1)
* Blogs entries not showing up? (2)
* Delete Entire Blog? (1)
* Can I Disable map? (3)
* Deleting your blog (1)
* video (1)

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