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Uploading Pictures

We have just attempted to upload some new photo's onto the site and after going through the process and selecting "finished" we went to inspect our newly added photo's. What we saw was our previous photo's in a remarkably random order and only five of our new photo's were added. After going through the same process again the problem was the same. We have now spent an hour and a half online in order to upload five photo's. We will have to spend even longer online in order to get our photo's added again, and heaven knows how long to get the old photo's in the correct order. Please could you explain why this is happening so that we can avoid the problem in the future?

permalink written by  Tim Brown & Priya Patel on August 26, 2006

Wow. That really sucks.

You guys have uploaded tons of photos in the past. Has this sort of thing happened before, or is it new?

I'll be back in the States with a fast connection in about a week, so I'll have a better chance to look into this then. Until then, I'll have to assume that it's a problem on our end, and advise that you open a second browser window and check that the photos are showing up as you upload them.

For what it's worth, I'm working on a bulk uploader that will let our more prolific users (such as you guys) send your pictures across in a single Zip file rather than uploading them one at a time. That might take some of the pain away in the future.


permalink written by  Jason Kester on September 1, 2006

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