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I'm staffing a trip where we are taking a bunch of high schoolers to Israel and Poland. I'd love to keep their parents informed and updated, but want the blog to be private. Is there a way to do this?

permalink written by  GiladSalmon on January 21, 2008

Sorry to disappoint, but everything posted here will be open to the public. We've thought about offering private space in the past, but the sad fact is that we wouldn't be able to do it without charging for the service.

For your case, I might suggest setting up a private account with Blogger or another blog host, and using our Blog Map plugin to provide a map of your trip. That's a popular option for people that already have a blog hosted elsewhere and only need our trip maps. It might work out for you too. Check it out:


Anyway, I hope you have a great trip. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help!


permalink written by  Jason Kester on January 21, 2008

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