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spam comments

Hi jason - I LOVE YOUR SITE!
Is there a way for the owner of a trip to delete comments made by others?
we have one on the GSE7190-1910 site that is a solicitation for money!

Let me know and keep up this great site!

permalink written by  GSE7190-1910 on May 8, 2008

Thanks for that. If you're logged in, you should get a little "delete this" link next to every comment that anybody makes to one of your entries. I'd advise you to use it mercilessly.

Comment Spam is actually a big concern for us here, and we have some good filtering in place that knocks out about 99% of it before it ever makes its way onto anybody's screen. Unfortunately, some will always slip through the cracks.

The best thing to do is to delete any comment that looks even slightly off. That will help train the filters so that future spam along the same lines will be easier to identify and clean.


permalink written by  Jason Kester on May 9, 2008

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