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logging out problems


Sometimes in internet cafes I go back to blogabond and im auto logged in, doenst seem very secure, i.e. logging out doenst seem to terminate your session everytime, not a lot I can do other than try and reboot the machine in hope that that clears the chace.

any ideas ?

Cheers, Tom

permalink written by  tomrendell on November 30, 2006

Strange. I haven't been able to reproduce this on my end.

It might be that the browser in question is set to cache pages "Automatically", and is showing you an old version of the home page that it saved earlier. If that were the case, you'd still be logged out, and anybody trying to access your private stuff would get redirected back to the login page.

Still, I'll play around some more and see if I can get this to happen at my end.

Thanks for the heads up!


permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 3, 2006

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