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hit counter

How about a hit counter to see how many people have looked at your site, in total, last 7 days last 24 hours etc.

Would go a long way to see if im only doing this for my mum or for the greater good of world travel...ha-ha...its more likely to the be first!!!

Plus when you hover over a photo on the insert photo column, it would be good if it showed the 4-digit number that it is associated with to see if ive already included it!!

Cheers, Tom

permalink written by  tomrendell on January 31, 2007

Good timing. I was just digging through those stats today, trying to decide if the time's right to kick off the grand Blogabond Popularity Contest and Traffic Fight. Since the query was still up on my screen, I went ahead and ran your trip:


As you can see, I only started collecting data at the end of December, so your blog's glory days are sadly missing. Here's what our weblogs have to say about you:


So yeah, you seem to have caught me with too much time on my hands. Keep up the good work!


permalink written by  Jason Kester on January 31, 2007

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