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Blogabond.com development notes, 10/19/2005

Cranking out features like this and like that! Forums went live today, and they've exploded with a whopping ONE post to date. Yeah! Taking the world by storm!

Photos are also getting easier to manage by the day. With luck, we'll have Tagging in place for photos and comments soon. For now though I'm having to deal with silly things like making the site "search engine friendly", and other minor technical details that keep me away from actually making the site better.

There's also a new design on the way. Sad news I know for those of you in love with grey boxes and oversized fonts. But we live in a visual world, my friends. And looking at the competition it is clear that we simply cannot hang unless we clean the look up a bit.

permalink written by  Jason Kester on October 19, 2005

Oh where, oh where have the other development notes gone?
This site is looking very new AND imporved. Please share with us these fatures...

permalink written by  scootdown on April 12, 2006

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