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Make your own moleskine travel book map suggestions please.

I was thinking that since blogabond seems to be so good a making google map applications (I love the map feature) that maybe you could make an application that could print out google maps for a moleskine book.

I don't know if you have seen the new moleskine city books but it would be pretty cool if you could go in to google maps get a map of a city and then Split the map in to 4 or 8 sections like an atlas and print it out.

I guess that you could just do it yourself diy like but I thought that would be a cool app. And a cool edition to blogabond.

Anyone else have any idea how to do this well?

permalink written by  burepe on July 1, 2007

Good idea. It's nice to see that Google's map imagery (which we're using for our maps) has finally come along to the point where it's really usable in print form. For the longest time, most of the world didn't even have roads showing, so a printed version of the map wouldn't have been all that useful.

I'll look into getting some print options up on the maps. "Moleskin size" will be one of them!

permalink written by  Jason Kester on July 10, 2007

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