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Planning versus execution

Jason: I'm really enjoying Blogabond, and I know the people at home are counting on it. Exchanging site ideas with you only adds to the pleasure,

Here's another suggestion you may feel free to ignore:
When planning a trip in tripbuilder, the resulting line should be just as it is. However, when you actually make a blog entry, it should connect to the last entry with a different color line, so that in your trip map you begin to see two different lines: planned and actual. This way you can compare the two, which is always interesting: why, what happened, etc.

I just diverted from my planned route and changed my trip plan, but regretted losing the original plan. In Microsoft Word there's a function that allows you to save the original document and track changes. I'm suggesting something similar.

Cheers, and Merry Christmas

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on December 24, 2006

I really like this idea. I've always sort of struggled with ideas for how to integrate the Trip Builder itinerary maps with the blog entries. I think my original intention was that people would modify the itinerary to match the trip as they went along, but it seems a bit tedious to have to do that. Having the two lines decoupled would go a long way towards solving that.

If I get a few spare hours I'll play with some ideas for how to show this on the map. The technical implementation shouldn't be too hard, because the data is stored in a way that makes it easy. It's good to have a few users pushing against the technology and coming up with new ways of looking at things.

Thanks again for the input. Hope you're enjoying your holiday in the sun!


permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 28, 2006

Freezing my butt off at night, if you must know, but this is a great, great country.
Cheers, Roel

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on December 28, 2006

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