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The Map

JAson i know ive banged on about this before but please please fix the map, If I go to my homepage

www.blogabond.com/tomrendell then it just shows the last 10 places or so on the map...

it would be great if it would show the full trip i know it might take up a few momnets more to load but a full map is great at showing your whole trip, at pressent if only goes back to 10 weeks !

if you catch my drift


permalink written by  tomrendell on April 12, 2007

Yeah, 10 might not be enough eh? I've been trying to strike a good balance with the Profile page maps, but it's not quite there yet. I'll bump it up a bit and see how it affects things.

In the meantime, you can still get views of entire trips by going to their respective blog pages:


Still only shows half of where you've been though. Maybe I'll just put a link on your Profile page to show EVERYWHERE you've been. Yeah, it'll take a while to load, but it would be useful to be able to see it.

And dude, you've been going for a while now. How long are you out for altogether?


permalink written by  Jason Kester on April 14, 2007

Ok, now we're showing the last 50 places you've been on the map. Hopefully it won't slow things down too much when you're viewing the site from an internet cafe in Malawi.

Check out your full-blown profile now:


permalink written by  Jason Kester on April 17, 2007

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