My Stuff
missing map legs
Hi Jason,
I just looked at my map for Harmattan more closely and it seems to be missing the
to Paris and Paris to
legs, at least on the opening screen...fix possible?
also, still wondering about number of hits: privileged info?
cheers, Roel
written by
roel krabbendam
on September 7, 2008
Good to hear from you again! I went in to fix this, only to find there's nothing to fix. At least as far as I can tell. Is this the page you're looking at?
When I pull that up, I see the trip starting and ending in
, with a stop in Paris on the way to Africa.
I bet you're probably looking at
, which shows a map of the last 100 or so places you've been. I had to put a cutoff in there to stop the maps taking forever to load. It looks like you've just been to too many places. Maybe you should consider cutting back on the traveling?
written by
Jason Kester
on September 8, 2008
Yeah, I hadn't thought about when I threw those stats pages live. I think that the "MySpace Generation" really likes to be seen, and since those stats give evidence of having been seen, they're Good by definition.
I'm with you though, and am not quite so excited about having every tiny personal detail out on the web. Would it make sense to have a setting on your account that could be flipped to turn those stats off?
written by
Jason Kester
on September 8, 2008
now I understand the missing legs: limits are understandable. regarding the hits data, I don't care who knows how many hits I get, but I would like to know myself and don't know how to get that data: I just happened to see that little face in the corner of the screen and opened it to find some directions that I don't understand. I thought YOU might not want to release the info for your own reasons, which I could also respect. If the data is available, and you don't mind sharing, how do I get it?
written by
roel krabbendam
on September 8, 2008
OK...never mind. I found the hits tag somewhere I hadn't looked in a while: you have been busy! The site keeps getting more interesting: kudos! As for cutting back on the travel...
Cheers, Roel
written by
roel krabbendam
on September 8, 2008
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