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A webcounter

I'd quite like to know how many of my friends are reading - a counter of people reading for that day, and in total, would be quite cool.

permalink written by  Margaret Harris on July 6, 2007

I agree...could it exclude visits by the author?

permalink written by  martin_b on July 10, 2007

Well, the good news is that we're already keeping counts for who's hitting what, and how often. So it's only a matter of coming up with a good way to display the information.

At the moment, I've got a bit of a backlog of "Real" work (you know, the kind that pays money!) Hopefully I'll find some time to do something about this soon.


permalink written by  Jason Kester on July 10, 2007

Any movement on this?

permalink written by  JRadhirsch on September 3, 2008

No movement whatsoever, but give me until tomorrow and I'll have something up that will let you see how many people are hitting your blog.

All the data is there. It's just a matter of cheesing up an API and patching it into Google's chart API. Sounds like fun!

permalink written by  Jason Kester on September 3, 2008

Thanks Jason. I appreciate it

permalink written by  JRadhirsch on September 3, 2008

Ok, I put up a basic stats page that will at least let you know how many people are viewing your blog.

Check out the Stats link in the "geek stuff" box at your blog page:


permalink written by  Jason Kester on September 4, 2008

Thanks Jason. That's awesome.

permalink written by  JRadhirsch on September 4, 2008

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