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Lazy beach day

As Inga went off for another lesson today (this time in surfing) Max, Luke, Chris and I head back to the little beach side town where we hopped on the net to check mail and see what is going on in the world of web. It was another lovely day and Chris and I stole some quiet time and took a walk...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on August 28, 2009 from Grues, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

To market, to market to buy.. kilos and kilos of seafood!

It was another day of sleep ins and slow waking today before hitting up the local food market in search of fresh seafood for tonight’s seafood extravaganza that the boys have been talking about since arriving. The market was about a half hour drive away and we all squished into Ingas car and...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on August 26, 2009 from Grues, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

Aussie burgers all round

We three Aussies had been talking yesterday of the traditional Aussie Burger that we so love back home. We made it sound so yummy and delicious (which it is!) that our German friends asked us if we could make these for dinner tonight, which we agreed too, so, it was back off to the Super U...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on August 25, 2009 from Grues, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

Super us for surviving Super U!

We managed a little bit of a lie in this morning before we head out to check out another beach town near Gruse. Inga is currently looking into wind surfing lessons so we hit the beaches and asked about and finally found a suitable one which she will start tomorrow. We also had a little look...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on August 24, 2009 from Grues, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

230 kms an hour on the Autobahn and the holiday house.

WOW, what a beautiful day! Clear blue skies, little cloud, sun shining, perfect road trip weather! It was decided last night that Chris would stay another day in Trier and travel up with our friend Max tomorrow, leaving Luke and I to travel up with Inga today. It was odd in a way, after 5...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on August 23, 2009 from Grues, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

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